The Vision
She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future -Proverbs 31:25
Featured in Bill Duke's “Dark Girls”, this “Sensationnel Mère” of two young ladies and military spouse, understood that balancing work, fun, mental, spiritual, and physical wellness was not always an easy task. Raised by a single mother, she learned the importance of community, perseverance, and prayer. God led her to share her gifts through the establishment of an empowerment experience without sacrificing what was most important, her familia.

Shamonda Strother, The Chief of Fun, was raised in Atlanta, GA. As a former nurse in Corporate America, she developed extensive leadership skills and a love for empowering others. Now, she has developed a lifestyle brand called You Can Fit Out 2.
She brings a unique perspective. Drawing from her extensive leadership experience in nursing, she incorporates the holistic nursing model in her team building experiences. This holistic nursing model honors everyone's unique physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental strengths and challenges. Not only does her intellect stretch to the field of nursing, she is also a connoisseur of the arts. She combines education and fun to create interactive experiences that involve music, drama, fashion, dance, and team building.
The Story
When her kids were young, she noticed that their community was quite different from hers as a child. It was a rare sight to see many kids playing, laughing, and singing together. Instead, relationships were more distant. In her sleep, God gave her a vision to empower the youth. One person at a time, her kindness built bridges to other communities and opportunities.
Smiles never left the faces of her two young daughters. Then, the time came for middle school. After a while, she noticed her daughters saying, “Mom I don’t fit.” Following an astonishing vision from God, she answered with, “Fit Out”. She promoted the principles of true leadership, faith, and friendship. Her belief was that these few principles would gradually change your life. She coined the phrase,” Start with yourself and the rest will be history.”
Every vision must have a team. She was blessed to have many supportive people throughout her journey. Without her spouse, children, family, friends, and community, her dreams would have remained in her mind, not coming to fruition.